my name is Paul Wilson, and you've reached my Web site. There
are thousands of us around - benighted sons of parents who
couldn't think of a more unusual first name - and if you're
not sure I'm the Paul Wilson you're looking for, take a few
minutes to look around and decide for yourself.
the one who has translated quite a few modern Czech writers
into English, I've been a rock'n'roller, a freelance writer,
radio producer, and magazine editor.
most recent book is 57
Hours: A Survivor's Account of the Moscow Hostage Drama
written with Vesselin Nedkov.
can make absolutely sure I'm the Paul Wilson you want by checking
a brief bio here. If you're
interested in looking at some of the
translations I've done, click here.
If you'd like to read a small sampling
of some of the articles and essays I've written over the years,
you'll find
that here.
if, after all that, I'm still not the Paul Wilson you're looking
for, you can try your luck at some of the other Paul Wilsons
in the column on the left.
be updating the material on this site as often as time allows.
If you want to comment on anything you see here, please email
me at paul.heathcote@sympatico.ca.